What can you eat with braces may be one of the first questions that comes to your mind when deciding if braces are the right option for you. While you will find a long list of things you can’t eat when you have braces, you will likely be able to resume your regular diet with a few exclusions after the first few weeks. Below you will see what to expect when it comes to eating with your new braces.

What You Can Eat With Braces When You First Get Them

To answer ‘what can you eat with braces’, you will first need to know what is best to eat immediately following their placement. While getting braces on doesn’t normally hurt, you can expect a bit of mouth sensitivity in the first few days after your appointment. Your orthodontist will advise you only to eat soft foods for the first day to reduce pain and help you get used to the subtle changes in your chewing caused by the braces. Some of the best foods to eat for the first few days after getting your braces to include,

  • Yogurt
  • Soups
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Scrambled Eggs
  • Oatmeal
  • Soft cooked vegetables
  • Pasta

What to Eat After the Initial Recovery

Once the first few days have passed, and your gums are no longer sensitive, you can eat almost anything with your braces, even foods like peanut butter. You should try to avoid processed sugars. Since your braces are affixed to your teeth, they can be harder to clean beneath and around them, leading to a higher risk of cavities. Avoiding sugary foods can lower your risk of tooth decay. You will also want to stick to foods that you can chew comfortably.

What to Avoid With Braces

When considering what can you eat with braces, you will likely also need to know what should be avoided. You should avoid anything that can cause damage to or become caught in your braces. This can include hard candy, nuts, and popcorn. You will also want to avoid sticky foods such as caramels, which can be hard to remove from your braces and lead to possible tooth decay.

Answering what can you eat with braces will give you a better picture of what you can expect during the straightening process. If you are ready to whip your smile back into shape, contact us at Smile Experience Orthodontics today to schedule your appointment.